A Future Kirkby Town Centre?
An Initial Proposal from Vision Kirkby
There are two kinds of pride, both good and bad. ‘Good pride’ represents our dignity and self-respect. ‘Bad pride’ is the deadly sin of superiority that reeks of conceit and arrogance.
John C. Maxwell
The content of this web-page is available to download as a PDF document and a summary is available as a set of slides on pasteapp.com
How did we get here?
Vision Kirkby has run a couple of consultation events with the community, along with social media engagement, to get their ideas on what they would like to see in Kirkby Town Centre. This information has been used to develop this conceptual plan to demonstrate what could be possible for the heart of our town. The plan includes what we believe to be a sustainable mix of retail, business, residential, entertainment, leisure, education, civic and community space that can revitalise the heart of Kirkby.
North and South of Cherryfield Drive

There are two distinct areas of focus to this plan: north and south of Cherryfield Drive. This is because much of the planned development north of Cherryfield Drive has already been outlined and which we support in principle. Plans for extensive house building on land south of Cherryfield Drive are considerably less well publicised and which we do not agree with.

3D Model
We have created a 3-dimensional model of our initial proposal for the future of Kirkby Town Centre. A plan view of the model can be seen below and a 3D snapshot view of most of the site can be seen at the top of this page.
Key to the 3D model
- Yellow: retail only
- Orange: mixed retail, business and residential
- Pink: entertainment
- Bright green: restaurants, bars and pubs
- Dark green: community sports grounds
- Dark purple: civic and community facilities
- Light purple: education, training, and technology park
- Dark blue: business start-up hub

North of Cherryfield Drive
South of Cherryfield Drive
Kirkby Town Centre is currently a source of anger, frustration and dismay for the people of Kirkby. Due to decades of failed development and management, it currently does not offer the retail, leisure and services to serve the entire population of around 50,000 people. Knowsley Council currently plans to build more and more housing – including at the heart of our town – even though services have long since failed to meet the needs of the existing local community.
This can change.
Our proposal, bringing together a wealth of ideas from the local community, provides a potential Vision for Kirkby Town Centre that would breath fresh life into the heart of our town: increasing footfall, attracting businesses and visitors, restoring pride, and leading to economic and social regeneration that we have needed for decades.
We invite discussion, debate and feedback on these proposals and are willing to work with those willing to make it happen.
My only added suggestion would be to combine the new bingo hall into a 2 storey building housing an ice rink and bowling alley below, with three bingo hall above. This being in the area next to the cinema and restaurants and hopefully a premier inn type hotel, would seem ideal to increase footfall and maximise social mixing of all ages and interests.
As an aside sporting can be increased for example by allowing locals to participate in ice hockey, and perhaps have a new rugby pitch as one of the new sports fields to cater to that as there is currently no provision in the town. This would likely bring in more visitors from St. Helen’s, Widnes, Warrington, Wigan and Lancashire, particularly if local teams were created to compete and bring in visitors.
Thanks for that great suggestion – Kirkby Vikings Ice Hockey team anyone?
Kirkby would benefit with a new council run nursing home close to all amenities so family could visit and pick up essential items enroute with dementia more noticeable these days and nursing homes looking tired and dated